USD Summer Project

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Ok, I think this is working now. How's summer treating you ladies?? Joy, I'm pretty sure you're doing well, but I could be asumming wrong. Amy, how's the home life? Lys, are you overpacking- I mean preparing for your trip? I'm just loving it here. It hasn't been too bad so far, but I've been busy. I have a job at a Bagle Shop, which is pretty easy and fun. I'm also going back to Coldstone tonight, so I'll be pretty busy up until project. My support is coming along nicely, which I shouldn't be surprised at, when God provides that is. Jordan is coming this Saturday and then going to church with me the next morning, which I'm defintly looking foward to.
I feel like I should be either complaining about my love life or writing poetry, because isn't that what people do when they blog? I don't know this is my first blog , so here's a poem for you all.
I like trees
They are green with leaves and grass underneath them
perfect for that summer day
when the world is lazy
and the world is turning slower than usual
good to dream and talk under
while resting your head on a boy's strong shoulder.

So, there you go, and poem and something about a boy. Love and miss you'all!


Blogger Unknown said...

good call, mike. altho i'm pretty sure a lot of us will be able to tell the difference between posting, because julie, you are crazy! lol, just kidding :] julie, i love you and you are hilarious! home life is good. ok, so it's boring. so boring, that i have made it my lifelong ambition to solve my little brother's rubik's cube. it's coming along quite nicely.

9:06 PM  

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