USD Summer Project

Monday, May 28, 2007

First day of sharing in aussie-land

Magically, I"m back on the internet again...but today we're in the shopping center, in the infamous library. So i thought i would share about our first day on campus today!
Our goal for the morning was just to talk to the Aussies about their lives...get to know the cool places to go in the country, ask them about brisbane, etc...nothing spiritual unless it came up. For that, Melissa, Lindsey and I went and chatted with a guy (Chris) and a girl (Em) for the entire morning and had lunch with them. Then in the afternoon we all did quest surveys. Melissa and I were getting a little discouraged because we couldn't find any good conversation areas to enter. But we went up to two women who had just got done eating and they declined our request to do a survey. However, the three girls in the next table over overheard our question and yelled at us that they wanted to do a survey. So we went through the Quest survey and had a great time with these girls (they're really funny) and made a lunch date with them in the Campus Pub on Wednesday. We were just encouraged to meet up with the people we meet again later so as to truely develop relationships. So I'm excited to hang out with them again, they're really fun, and they're not believers, but two of them are hoping that there is something greater than this life. So if ya'll could pray for Kate, Lauren, and Tegan that would be great. It's sweet to actually start a fun relationship with them and Melissa and I are just praying we can have the opportunity and ability to shine the light of Christ for them!
I need to get groceries now, the shopping center is about to close...
G'day ya'll! :)

PS - Court - no problem :) Love you, PP!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey PP - I will for sure be praying for the girls you have encountered! In time so of discouragement - remember that God is in control - and has the people he wants you to talk to already picked out! :-) AND sometimes, they just happen to find you, like these girls did :-) - Love ya!

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lys,
Sounds like things are going well. Julie and I were excited to read about life so far. We're glad you were found, but not suprised that you stopped to look at a book. Have a great day. We miss you!

Joy and Julie

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds good. Just think how many friends you will have made in Australia at the end of this summer. Miss you.

9:02 PM  

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