USD Summer Project

Monday, June 04, 2007

Brasil Ministry Update

Time for short update. Ministry is going well at USP - our team has seen four people come to Christ in the past two days. It has been awesome to hear stories from teammates and to see their passion for the Lord, and for the lost at USP.

The Lord has really been working in a lot of hearts and minds here. I've seen him working in the 14 students I've had the chance to share the Gospel with so far. My teammate Andy and I met again today with one student, Carolina. Last Monday we shared the Gospel with her, and she had a lot of questions, but seemed to agree with what we were talking about. This week we learned a bit more about her beliefs on Spiritism. She shared with us several reasons she just can't refute the philosophy... it is frustrating to see her want to believe in Jesus- I can tell by her face and actions that she wants to believe, but is not able to let go of her faith in the work of Spirits in her family. Pray for God to show up in her life in a big way, and wisdom for Andy and I in dealing with questions about this philosophy and how it contradicts Biblical Christianity.

Other things are going pretty well. Some of our team is still fighting colds- I was feeling much better towards the end of last week but today I woke up with a sore throat. Pray for good rest for our team - also, a lot of us have been having nightmares and just stupid dreams dealing with personal struggles, so pray against that, too.

So far, the strike hasn't really been negatively affecting ministry, but I guess there are some large meetings in the next few days to decide if other faccodajes are going to strike.

Time for bed! Another day awaits. Thanks for your prayers, which I have seen to be powerful and effective even from around the world.

Amy :]


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