USD Summer Project

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


ahhh!!! internet!!! i had to pay 25 bucks to get internet access for the whole summer @ the general store next to my dorm here in Medora, ND, so you better appreciate my updates!! :D so, here's what's going on in my life:

The Badlands Summer Project 06 is made up of 8 men, 7 women and 7 staff members plus their 5 kids. How many summer project participants can say they can name off every student OR staff on their project plus their majors and home towns? I can! Wahoo! The project people here are amazing. I drove down following Ann from SMSU and she’s the only girl I knew before hand, mainly from Trek. And there’s Derek from SDSU- we haven’t made fun of each other too much, and have enjoyed leading worship for the group. I have clicked really well with everyone, especially a few of the girls. Mark & Emily Rygh are here along with Brian & Julie Kolling and all their kids. It has been really fun already to get to know all them better. My Ministry Team is 3 guys, me and one other girl, along with staff members Jason & Kassidy Skjervem. They are on staff in ND and are awesome people. Kassidy is pretty much Allison Hoffman to a tee. Anyway, our team focuses mainly on prayer and getting everyone on the project to be more committed to prayer for each other and our coworkers/dorm-mates. We also plan Tuesday nights at the “Coffeehouse.” It’s a crusade hangout in the basement of the Town Hall, an area given to us to use by the foundation (the group who hires the workers, etc). We are planning some awesome events for that. Here’s a sample of our schedule:
Monday Nights – supper and our own “CRU” meeting just for project peoples
Tuesday Nights – Coffeehouse from 9pm-??
Wednesday Nights – Women’s Bible Study (Emily & Julie, my roommate Leanna and Kristi), Men’s Reflection.
Thursday Nights – Women’s Reflection and Men’s Studies
Friday Nights – Bonfire for anyone & everyone!

I currently work @ the Maltese Burger joint with one girl, two other guys on Project and our manager Ricardo. He's from Indonesia and it's fun to teach him "english slang" - words like 'awesome' and 'cool.' There are literally people here from all over the world- So far I've met people from Kenya, Ukraine, New York City, and several other locations. what a great opportunity to spread the Gospel!

Everyone here is so open and good-natured. They love having Campus Crusade here- There has always been a huge problem with drinking and even teenage pregnancies every summer, and these problems are still around, but have gotten a lot better in the past years since crusade has brought a team to Medora. The workers love coming to our events because there is FINALLY something to do! Haha. And, everyone knows who we are which is crazy! It is truly amazing here. I am falling in love with this place. The Medora Magic is getting to me. :]

ps I bought my first cowboy hat last week - def. not my last! yeeeehaw!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to see a picture of you and the cowboy hat.


12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree :)

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree :)

4:15 PM  

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