USD Summer Project

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Really hot!

Hey everyone! Hope all is well! Everything is going really great here! The only downfall is the heat and humidity. This may be an overshare, but last night I woke up about 20 times because I was so hot...eventually I grabbed a towel that was by my bed, wiped off the sweat on my face, and put it on my pillow because I knew I would just keep sweating. So yeah...hopefully we'll get air conditioning soon. It wouldn't be cold, but at least we could get some actual sleep!
Anyway, enough complaining. Today was our third day (haha...that's ironic - third day's on the radio right now ;) ) of construction on Edna's house. After one more sheet of drywall goes up, we'll be pretty much done with drywall. Yesterday we got most everything mudded, so today we sanded and did the second coat of mud. It's also encouraging at the compliments we've been getting for our work. I'm having a lot of fun learning how to build a house, basically. And Edna's so fun to talk to. She's about 83 and such a cute old woman, and she thanks us for our work every time we talk to her. She was pretty fortunate in the amount of things she was able to save from her house, but she didn't even come back here until about a week and a half ago. It sounds like that's what a lot of people are doing.
Allison and I talked to a lady with her five kids yesterday at lunch and she almost started crying when she gave us a simple thank you for our work. Every time we talk to anyone from the area, i'm so encouraged that the work we're doing can have such an impact on the people. I know I say that a lot, but i'm constantly suprised at how appreciate these people are. It's such a blessing for us to be able to be here, too.
Anyway, I hope everyone else's projects are going well!! I miss you all, but I'm sure you are/will be making great new friends :)
And hey to all of you who are at home or in Verm or wherever else you are!
Talk to ya'll soon!
Oh, and the night of reflection we had on tuesday was amazing. I spent it on the beach for about three hours, just listening to the waves on the shore and enjoying God's creation
bye guys!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So...disaster response it is? Sorry, I couldn't resist that one. So I'm a huge loser sitting in the honors lounge b/c I still don't have cable or internet b/c I'm a poor boy living by his lonesome in lowly Verm.


8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

6:01 AM  

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