What a crazy week...
The highs and the lows of ministry were evident for me this week.
The highs would include about four people indicating a decision for Christ in about three days. Praise the Lord :) It's really cool to be excited with other members of the team who have had that experience of letting God work through them to influence the lives of people.
The low would be that these are the first fruits of our labor that we've really seen. I'm not doubting God, but in reality we would probably only see two or three more people make that decision, tops. No one is joking when they say that the Australian culture is apathetic and they really just don't care about their future and what will happen for eternity. Heidi and I were talking with a girl on Wednesday, I think, and we did a Quest survey with her. When we asked her the question "What do you think happens after death?" she said "Nothing." And she was completly fine with that. She said that doesn't bother her, that's just how life is. We live. We die. We're done. What?? It was so heartbreaking to know that people think that. And she's only the most recent person I've talked to who thinks that. I would venture to say that 75-80% of the people that I've talked to either believe that they die and that's the complete end or that they will be reincarnated.
Then on Wednesday Melissa and I had a meeting with two or three girls that we've developed great relationships with. This would have been the fourth time we've hung out, but they didn't show up. It's hard to not have a mobile because they can't get ahold of us if something does come up. So we're trying to think the best that they didn't just stand us up. But it's hard because we've been praying so much for them and for our relationship with them. Then Heidi and I, yesterday, had another scheduled meeting with a girl who we were excited to get to know and she didn't show up either for the second time.
Project has been such a growing experience in trusting the Lord. Since we don't get to continue many relationships after we leave campus for the last time today, we can only trust that the seeds we have planted will be for the glory of God. I'm trying to hold to these truths and to understand that God has brought us into these relationships for a reason, and that he will use our small efforts to work in huge ways for the people we have met.
Sooo that's about all I have for now.
Smaller updates - last weekend we went snorkeling in the Great Barrior Reef, then Miranda, Britt and I went on a horseback ride through the rainforest. Pretty much amazing, I'd say
Next week is debrief in Towoomba, so I'm not sure that I'll have much to blog about for that. I'm guessing I'll blog when I get home, to let ya'll know how the trip home, etc...went.
I'd love your prayers for continued encouragment and safe travels home.
I'll be back in the country next Friday :)
thanks for reading :)
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