USD Summer Project

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Work hard, play hard

Hey guys!! I'm so excited that i'm not the only one updating the blog...
Anyway, yesterday was sooo much fun. We were at the beach for about three hours, but most of the time there I was playing ulitimate frisbee with 13 guys. It was intense...haha but i think i held my own pretty well :) Then to outback...which was also amazing! Then we had the biggest bonfire i've ever seen in my life. It was on the beach and included a mattress, wooden pallets, a TV, an office chair, and a computer monitor. It was pretty sweet, i'm sure all the guys out there would have thouroughly enjoyed it.
Today was a lot of fun also. I spent from 8:30-5:00 (minus 45 min lunch break) on the roof of a house tearing up shingles and tar paper and laying new shingles. It was the hottest i've been in my entire life, but i excaped too bad of a sunburn by putting lotion on three different times. haha...but it was still fun. All of the people I work with are great and it was pretty sweet to get a lot of work done. We'll have the roof done tomorrow, then move on to something else. And i got to use the nail gun...can't beat that.
Anyway, i'm way past exhaused so i'm pretty sure my bedtime will be in about 5 minutes.
Talk to you all later! Thanks for the comments!
see ya'll


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