USD Summer Project

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Loving Eachother

Hey All,
Another week down. It's so crazy to see how fast the time goes by. Wow, seems like there's never a dull moment here. We just finished "All for One" week, in which we focused on the community of our project. It was great to spend time together and really get to know eachother. We have been challenged to share our struggles with eachother as well as to rejoice with eachother and encourage one another. It's been great to be open, honest, and vunerable with eachother. So yep, it's been another wonderful, fast, crazy week. We played a huge softball game last night in which it was students vs. staff. Fun times where had by all. Anyway, sorry this is short. I forgot that I had laundry in the washer (oops, it's been there for a couple of hours) and it's time for us to have supper. So have a wonderful week. I'd really appreciate your prayers for continued strength in the coming weeks as we all are tired and busy. Also, that we would continue to be bold in sharing our faith. Miss you all!

P.S. I'm too lazy to spell check, so you'll have to suffer through my spelling. Sorry :)


Blogger AlyssaM said...

umm....i'm guessing this is julie's post? maybe? hmm....anyway, glad to hear all is well!

9:31 AM  
Blogger AlyssaM said...

Sorry, I never signed my name. This was's Joy's post. Oops, I must have been really tired when I did this.

7:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

haha ya'll are hilarious. i miss you! sounds like a great time, joy. :]

12:23 PM  

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