USD Summer Project

Friday, June 09, 2006

night sky

Hey ya'll ( I've heard ya'll more here than my entire life)
I'm here in New York! Its pretty sweet. I'm super excited to actually be here alive, and well. We have a sweet apartement with lots of room (sorry Lys) in the business district of NY. Its fun to walk around the streets and I'm slowly learning how to ride the subways.
Its been really fun so far getting to know everyone, and so far we've goten a lecture by an artist (Christian) here in the city. I also get to meet with an artist in the city every week in a type of mentor program (!) We are working on a colaborative art project together which we will show at the end. It should be interesting because artists are used to working alone, and we all have different areas of interest.
I'll give you guys more details when I've been here a little longer. We went to the Rockerfeller Center, and looked out across all of NY. It was amazing!
I Love ya'll (I'm not going to be able to stop saying that....)
Forever His
p.s. Meghan, I forgot to call you the day I was leaving, so goodbye! ( I was going to call you to say goodbye)
Amy, have fun singing, and Lys have fun working!
Remember we're all under the same night sky
When I look up at
the night sky
and can't see any stars through the fog
I think of you, see clearly and no longer feel stuck in a grog
I like coffee
and getting lost here in the city
Ok, I need to go to bed. Goodnight (ya'll)


Blogger Unknown said...

jules! NYC sounds AWESOME! there are two guys here from Brooklyn this, eh? crap i just said eh...oh man.

anyway, miss you, love you!

10:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

jules! NYC sounds AWESOME! there are two guys here from Brooklyn this, eh? crap i just said eh...oh man.

anyway, miss you, love you!

10:19 PM  

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