USD Summer Project

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


have you seen the movie office space? i love that movie. it's so fun to quote. after a VERY long day at work, i couldn't help but this of a funny statement made by Peter Gibbons in the movie. here it is, adapted to my life: "So I was sitting in my burger stand today, and I realized, ever since I started working at the Maltese, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life." work isn't THAT bad. i could have a more fun job, i could have a less fun job. my manager is awesome, coworkers are great and i get to meet everyone in town. It's jobs like this that make me want to stay in college so i don't end up working in a Burger stand my whole life.

Other than that, things are great! especially since i have the day off tomorrow! :]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you will be OK here b/c I'm assuming you didn't tell this to your occupational hypnotherapist and even if you did, the therapist likely didn't drop dead. That would be bad and a little too reminiscent of the movie. If it makes you feel better being stuck in a lab with a very mannish lady everyday isn't all that great either.


2:13 PM  

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