USD Summer Project

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Callin' Baton Rouge

Hey ya'll!! haha..just wait till I get home - my friends here do have a point, there's really no great phrase to take the place of ya'll, besides like 'you guys' which is way too many sylables...
Anyway...i'm not sure who's more excited that other people have been able to post, me or everyone who's getting sick of reading about me :) Anyway, it's great to hear from you, Julie. I'm glad everything's going well and I can't wait to hear about everything amazing you've been able to see! Amy, I'm glad the job's going well! haha, keep working on making up songs, we'll need another one for TCX, right?
Well, as for me - ya'll can probably see by my name that I'm not in Kansas (Pass Christian) anymore. We've taken the weekend to go on men's and women's retreats! The ladies headed west two hours to Baton Rouge, Lousiana, and the guys headed a few hours east to the border of Florida/Alabama. They'll be going deep sea fishing tomorrow, which i'm a bit jealous of, but it's all good. Tomorrow we'll be headed to a theme park and water park which has the longest water slide in the world. I'm guessing it will be a pretty great time. Tonight we just rolled in, had a little bit of discussion about girlie things, and now we're hanging out and people are slowly going to bed.
Today was my last day of my second week of construction. We got the roof all done that we were working on! Have I even mentioned the roof? Well, even if i have, it's worth mentioning again. I spent four of my five work days on a roof re-shingeling a house. I'm not sure that I've ever known hot until tuesday started. Anyway, it was great to get that finished, it gives such a great feeling of accomplishment! We worked yesterday and our half day today primering the house that we drywalled last week. Not gonna lie - it was a humbling experience to see that our drywall job wasn't the best. But then again, what can anyone expect, we'd never done it before. Good learning experience, though, so it's all good.
After we got done today, we went to the kitchen for lunch and Susan and I sat with the funniest old couple today. They have been married fifty years and are pretty much impossible to describe. He's 71 and got repremanded about 5 times by his wife while we were there, but he needed it cuz he's spunky like that. But he told us he loves to talk and will look for us whenever he's eating at the kitchen, so that'll be fun. Hopefully we'll be able to share the gospel with him at some point. Opportunities for that have been pretty limited since we're not really in contact with a whole lot of people while we're working. It's hard when we have about 12 people at a worksite for one person. There's not much one on one interaction time in the small about of time that the person is even around.
Anyway, i need to get to bed so i can be rested for our day of great fun tomorrow!
Love ya'll! It's so great to hear from everyone


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And SOMEBODY I know pretty well is on the TCX planning I can talk to this person and see if we can arrange it so the song can be performed (at least in front of the Sioux Empire, or recorded and played on the screen or something if 1400+ students is too large of an audience for you).


2:10 PM  

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