USD Summer Project

Friday, June 09, 2006

Maltese Madness

Today was an interesting day at the Maltese Burger stand. It has been cloudy all day and misted on and off. Of course I worked all day from 11 to 7pm with the manager and a project guy, Rob. Needless to say, we were pretty bored. He likes to write songs (as do I) so we came up with some pretty awesome ones during our 8 hr shift today:

to the Tune of "Working on the Railroad"
I've been working at the Maltese, all the live-long day.
I've been sleeping at the Maltese just to pass the time away.
Can't you hear the burgers frying, come on up and get your food.
Can't you hear the workers shouting words that are kind of lude.

Come and get your food, come and get your food,
come get your food right now-
Come and get your food, come and get your food,
come and get your food before it's gone

There is also an intercom that we call the names out from when the orders are ready. This is mainly Rob's job, and Rob is crazy so it's a really fun place to work. Examples: "Cory, I have great news. I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico. Oh, and you're food's ready-" ... "Oompa Loompa doopaty do, I've got another Burger for you-" he's pretty creative and caves in when we all egg him on.

I have a feeling this is how the summer is gonna go: On the weekends we will be so busy we will want to quit, but then once Monday comes, it will be quiet and boring, so we won't mind it. then another weekend will come and we'll wanna quit again. At least I don't have to pay for the food I eat while I work! today I ate onion rings and 1/2 a buffalo burger (yes it was really buffalo) for lunch, then I had a few fries and some cheese curds for supper.

All in all, it's a good, boring job and I love it.



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